Providing rescue, treatment & rehabilitation for injured & distressed wildlife across the Hepburn Shire and surrounding areas.

I'd Like to Make a Donation
With your generous support we can continue to provide the highest quality of care for wildlife.

Help for Wildlife
If you’ve found an animal in distress and want to know the best way to provide help.

I'd like to Volunteer
We’re always looking for reliable and caring volunteers to help with a range of tasks.
No animal is refused help
Established in 2005 to assist and care for injured and orphaned wildlife in
and around The Hepburn Shire
We do not stand alone
A network of volunteer wildlife rescue groups, rescuers and shelters,
operate in the region
We are unique
Because of our capacity to provide critical and emergency care, and a
high standard of rehabilitation to all species of wildlife
Our Core Values Are: Compassion – Knowledge – Support – Education – Integrity

Hepburn Wildlife Shelter
PO Box 133,
Victoria, 3460
Wildlife Emergency?
You can call the Wildlife Victoria emergency response line on (03) 8400 7300 between 6.40am and 7.30pm, 7 days a week.